
More materials by author Deanr201 - Page 3

Blooded Knife
in Drawing Techniques
Blooded Knife

First you need to open up a new document; about 800x600 will be more than enough. Get the elliptical marquee tool and draw a circle shape. It does not need to be a perfect circle. Fill it in with black. Now on the same layer draw smaller circle. And press delete. ...

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Animated \
in ImageReady Animation
Animated "Light Shine Text"

Wow! Make animated "Light Shine Text" . To start creat a new document larger than what you want for you final image to be. Set the backround to be a black, Now create some text on a new layer make it white. I used psd-fx.com and i used acknowledge for my fo...

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Fire Wall
in Special Effects
Fire Wall

Learn how to make fire wall in Photoshop. First open up a new document. I used 600x480. Press d to reset the colours and then go to Filter>Render>Render Difference Clouds. The go to Filter>Distort>Polar Coordinates>Polar to Rectangular. And you will have something similar to the...

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Metal Effect
in Drawing Techniques
Metal Effect

First open up a new document 8x8 pixels. draw a pattern like the one below. Then go to Edit>Define Pattern. Enter a name for your pattern. Now open a new document about 300x300 pixels. as this is where we are going to create our to styles needed for the metal effect. create a new layer a...

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Squared Backdrop
in Special Effects
Squared Backdrop

Start off by creating a new layer 300x300, then press D to reset the colours. Create a new layer and follow these pointers: 1. Filter > Render > Clouds 2. Filter > Stylize > Find Edges 3. Press Control+I to invert colours 4. Filter > Stylize > Glowing Edges Pl...

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Light Blaster Effect
in Special Effects
Light Blaster Effect

Open a new document. I used 400x300. Create a new layer. Press D to reset your colours then X so that white is your foreground colour and black is your back. Now select the gradient tool, and settings as seen below Go crazy on the screen, do about ...

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Scan Lines
in Textures & Patterns
Scan Lines

Create a new layer, 1 pixel wide, 2 pixels high, and with a transparent background, then zoom in to 1600% (the furthest). Take your pencil tool and press D to reset your colours, then fill in the top pixel as shown below. Now click Edit>Define Pattern... Then choose a nam...

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