
More materials by author Deanr201 - Page 1

Using Screws
in Drawing Techniques
Using Screws

First you must of followed out Metal Effect tutorial and the Screw tutorial. If you have then please read on, if not head back to the tutorials to read them.
Create a new document, I choose 300x300
Create a shape which is going to be the base for this tutorial.

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in Special Effects

Open the picture you want to apply the sketch effect on. Go to Filter>Stylize>Find Edges Then press ctrl+shift+f to open the fade dialouge up, Reduce down to about 50% Then press ctrl+shift+u to desaturate the layer, and you should have something like this. Which gives...

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Creating A World
in Drawing Techniques
Creating A World

first create a new document, i will be using 500x500 fill the background with black then create a new layer. set you foreground colour to a bright green and you background to black. do filter>Render>Clouds then render>diffrence clouds Now go to Filter>Artistic>Cutout and u...

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Cell Shading
in Special Effects
Cell Shading

First open the image you wish to cell shade. i will be using this car. now go to Filter>Stylize>Find Edges and your image should now look like this now you must press ctrl+shift+F. if you do anything before pressing these keys you will have to start the tutorial again. ...

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Pixel Art Basics
in Drawing Techniques
Pixel Art Basics

any one can do pixel art. I'm no expert pixel artist but with some practice you will soon get the hang off pixel art. first open up a new document 300x300 and set the background colour to a bright green. now zoom in to 1600% and select you pencil tool with 1px brush, and black as you selec...

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Face Morph
in Photo Editing
Face Morph

First open up the photo of the person/victim you wish to morph. a will be using this photo "Ron" who i found on google images by searching for "people" next select the circle marquee tool. now draw a selection around the part you wish to morph. go to filter>distort>pinch....

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