
More materials by author Deanr201 - Page 2

Burnt Edges
in Drawing Techniques
Burnt Edges

First open up a new document with a transparent background. I used 300x300. Create a new layer. Create a new layer and fill it white. Next take the pencil tool with a 1px size brush and draw the shape of a rectangle with rough edges (your paper) in the middle of your rectangle...

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Sticky Tape
in Drawing Techniques
Sticky Tape

First open up the document you wish to apply your sticky tape to. Create a new layer, and draw on a rectangular selection, then fill it in with a grey colour. Set the fill to about 50% (may need to be higher or lower depending on the shade of grey you used, see image for guidance)...

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Glass Orb Design in a Few Steps
in Drawing Techniques
Glass Orb Design in a Few Steps

First open up a new document with a transparent background. I used 300x300. Create a new layer and call it "Orb Base". Then select the circle marquee tool and draw a circle on the canvas (use shift to make it a perfect circle)...

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Band Poster Style Photos
in Special Effects
Band Poster Style Photos

This tutorial will show create an effect often found on posters of bans seen at gigs. First open up the picture you wish to apply the effect to. Duplicate the layer. Fill your background layer with a nice bight colour, I choose a yellow (#FFF568) for this example...

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in Photo Editing

In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to create some smoke and apply it to an image, I'm this tutorial we shall be applying the smoke effect to some cars to give the effect of a race. For the cars i shall be using the following to screen shots i took from the game juiced...

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Replacing Cars Lights
in Photo Editing
Replacing Cars Lights

A cars back lights can be quite boring so here is how to give them a transplant. First select the car to receive the lights and select the an image with the lights you wish to use (i have cropped my image)...

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Re-Spraying A Car
in Color Management
Re-Spraying A Car

First select a car you wish to paint. Select all the body work of the car. I used the magnetic lasso toll to get the rough out line. using Alt+click sets it to subdract so then went round the lights ect...

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Car Graphics
in Drawing Techniques
Car Graphics

In this tutorial i will show you the basics of adding graphics to your digital dream after that you left to your own apply your graphics. First pick the car you wish to add you graphics to...

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Disco Bal
in Drawing Techniques
Disco Bal

Start a new document 400x400px. Fill the background in black draw a prefect circle marquee in the middle of the canvas (use shift to make it form a perfect circle). Then go to filter>render>clouds...

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Mesh Ball
in Drawing Techniques
Mesh Ball

In this tutorial you will learn how to create pretty-looking mesh ball. Open up a new document. I used 640x480 Create a new layer called base, and create a circle in the middle and fill it black. Do not deselect the circle. Set white as the foreground and black...

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