
Web Design Library Blog - Page 53

6 Best Web Design Side Hustles
in Inspiration
6 Best Web Design Side Hustles

The term 'side hustle' is used quite loosely to describe anything that a person does in addition to their primary job or source of income in order to make a little extra money. A side hustle can be related to what a person does for a living, or completely unrelated, though typically it makes more sense to focus on what you know and what you're good at.

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5 Quick Selection Tools in Photoshop
in Photoshop Basics
5 Quick Selection Tools in Photoshop

If you spend some time learning how to use the quick selection tool in PhotoShop and all its benefits, you’ll know how to remove background in PhotoShop, adjust brightness, work with contrasts, and handle many other image settings.

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Is UX Design Documentation Killing Your Productivity? Here's How You Can Streamline It
in Miscellaneous
Is UX Design Documentation Killing Your Productivity? Here's How You Can Streamline It

UX design documentation might not seem that important for today's agencies, and it can pale in comparison to research, client interaction, and development. However, documentation will always have its purpose in design; it helps the client understand how the final product will look and feel, and it helps designers have a clear development roadmap in mind. Good documentation emphasizes the end user's pain points and establishes ways in which the new design will solve them while at the same time pr...

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Basics of Div Tags
in HTML Tutorials
Basics of Div Tags

In this article, you will learn what the div tag is, how it works, how it differs from other important tags, how it is styled. Finally, you will get the basics on how to set up div tags for your site. This is crucial to learn if you want to design websites.

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