
Web Design Library Blog - Page 50

Four Easiest Ways to Create 3D Effect in Photoshop
in Photoshop
Four Easiest Ways to Create 3D Effect in Photoshop

3D effect is one of the main Web Design Trends in 2021, because it makes everything more lively and engaging. Plus, when visitors see this effect on your website, they automatically think that you’ve done a lot of work while creating it. But is making a 3D effect for your images and text really so hard? Let’s figure it out by trying to create it in different ways.

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How to Get More Web Design Work as a Freelancer?
in Web Development Jobs
How to Get More Web Design Work as a Freelancer?

So you are skilled and experienced in designing and optimizing websites, but you are joining the web design marketplace as a freelancer. You know that this type of business is flooded with professionals who have worked with small and big companies over the years. But being the free-willed and go-getter person you are, you decide that it is best to put your skills to the test to earn your way to success and achieve personal development.

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Turn Everything To Gold
in Special Effects
Turn Everything To Gold

If you want to add something unusual to the images on your website, maybe you should consider implementing some luxurious elements to its images. Making them golden can be a good option and catch visitors' eyes. This tutorial will show you how to turn objects into gold without much effort. Photoshop will help us with that.

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4 Tasks Website Owners Can Automate Without Compromising Quality
in Site Maintenance
4 Tasks Website Owners Can Automate Without Compromising Quality

Automation has many benefits. It can help you reduce costs, save time, maximize your efficiency and even improve the user experience on your website. The major downside is that it can be tricky to implement automation effectively, because automated solutions typically have tradeoffs. There are many automated solutions that could compromise the quality of your website – particularly if they are not executed cautiously. When implementing automated systems on a website, it’s important to pay at...

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7 Proven tips for Improving Your Ecommerce Conversion Rate
in Site Maintenance
7 Proven tips for Improving Your Ecommerce Conversion Rate

Whether you lure the target audience to visit your ecommerce website or online store via affiliates, paid ads, or content marketing, every single visitor who bounces away without making a purchase is a missed opportunity for you. This is where ecommerce conversion rate optimization comes into play and helps you generate more leads and sales for your online business.

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5 Must-Have Legal Requirements When Building a Website
in Site Maintenance
5 Must-Have Legal Requirements When Building a Website

Even though the design aspects of a website are what many people pour their hearts and souls into, there can be much more to website creation than aesthetics. Surprisingly, several legal requirements are just as important, if not more so. Before you put the finishing touches on your new site, take a moment to make sure you’ve covered all bases for these points below.

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5 Ways to Secure your eCommerce Website
in Site Maintenance
5 Ways to Secure your eCommerce Website

Starting an online store is all about building your brand. If you grow your business correctly, you'll establish credibility, brand exposure, and improved sales. Many entrepreneurs believe that creating an eCommerce platform is effortless. Simply purchase the domain, add the products, and start selling. What the majority of online businesses fail to consider, however, is the security of your eCommerce platform.

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Tools Used By Experts To Create High-Performance Online Businesses
in Miscellaneous
Tools Used By Experts To Create High-Performance Online Businesses

Looking to create high-performance online businesses? Below you will find 50+ different web tools and services (including software development outsourcing) that will help you achieve that. All these web tools were handpicked and are efficient, being the very best in their niches – WordPress themes and plugins, website builders, logo builders, and much more.

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Tips for Comparing Web Hosting Providers
in Hosting Services
Tips for Comparing Web Hosting Providers

A web hosting provider can have a direct impact on your business's performance. However, selecting the right services means that you have to compare the providers currently available to you. Here are the main guidelines to ensure that you carry out your analysis properly.

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