
Site Maintenance - Page 43

in Site Maintenance

Making a website to promote your business is one of the most famous ways nowadays, but managing the website to get more visitors is what that really take efforts. Although it seems difficult, it can be done easily if you follow these simple tips.

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6 Benefits of Using VPS Hosting
in Hosting Services
6 Benefits of Using VPS Hosting

VPS hosting has become popular enough to make shared hosting sound tedious and old fashioned. More and more people are turning towards VPS systems now and it’s no surprise since they offer numerous advantages especially compared to shared systems. If you are new to VPS hosting itself then it’s best that you try looking up some free VPS hosting options just to get started, and then you could move on to the real deal when the time is right.

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All You Need To Know About Designing an SEO Friendly Website
in Search Engine Optimization
All You Need To Know About Designing an SEO Friendly Website

Every online based business strives to achieve a high amount of traffic and thus increase the number of customers. Search engine optimization is the name for a number of techniques that are used to give your site a better ranking with search engines. While it's possible to optimize an already existing website, it's much better to integrate necessary SEO components into the site design.

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3 Ways to Boost Your Website's SEO
in Search Engine Optimization
3 Ways to Boost Your Website's SEO

SEO is a concept that can be discussed in detail for hours on end. While the entire extent of this subject is very lengthy, there is a simplification of the concept that boils down the essentials of SEO and provides a great description for those that are new to the whole thing.

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How to Host a WordPress Website on a VPS Server
in Hosting Services
How to Host a WordPress Website on a VPS Server

Hosting your WordPress Website on a VPS Server is a much better option than shared hosting for many reasons. The biggest reason being that Shared Hosting makes you share resources between other people which slows down your website and generally gives you a hard time. On a VPS server, though, you are the only one in charge of all the allocated resources which makes your website very fast and efficient.

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1 Easy SEO Tactic You Can Start Implementing Today
in Search Engine Optimization
1 Easy SEO Tactic You Can Start Implementing Today

When it comes to marketing your business, some marketing tactics are more daunting to implement then others. For example, most people may feel comfortable putting together a flyer and organising a direct mail drop. Others may feel more comfortable writing an email pitching their new product launch and sending it to their local newspaper.

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