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Angel Hair
in Special Effects
Angel Hair

Start with a 500x500 transparent image, 72dpi, colour mode set to RGB and 8 bit.
Step 1: Select a gradient-for this tutorial I used a silver/grey on a Linear setting but you can use any gradient you wish for different effects.

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Focal Point
in Photo Editing
Focal Point

Editor's Pick in Photoshop Tutorials, June 2007
The Focal Point of this article is just what it says. You can use Photoshop to create it - all you have to do is follow each well illustrated step to make it happen. Screenshots will keep you on track.

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Chaos Glow
in Special Effects
Chaos Glow

1. First, let's make a new image. I'm using 400 x 400 for this tutorial. Fill the layer with black using your Paint Bucket.
2. Now go to your Layers Palette and click on the New Layer icon.

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Glass Logo Button
in Web Layout
Glass Logo Button

This tutorial will teach you how to make a glass button which you can put any logo or image onto. For this tutorial, I will use KillaNet's phoenix logo as the image.

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Celestial Flare
in Special Effects
Celestial Flare

1. Open up a new image document; the one in this tutorial is 300x300, transparent background, 72dpi, 8 bit. Foreground colour: black and Background colour: white
2. Go to Filter>>Render>>Clouds and then Filter>>Render>>Difference Clouds.

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