
Web Design Library Blog - Page 137

The Ingredients of a Clean Website
in Web Design Principles
The Ingredients of a Clean Website

We all have come across sites that look horribly clumsy. I mean there are some sites that have so many elements on them that it is almost impossible for a normal visitor like you or I to concentrate on a single item at one time. If you are planning to design a simple website with clean interface and have no idea where to start from, you need to read this article.

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The Wonders of Microsoft Surface Pro 4 for Web Designers
in Miscellaneous
The Wonders of Microsoft Surface Pro 4 for Web Designers

With the rising need of having a digital presence in this modern world, more and more companies and businesses are looking to have their own website. With the increasing demand of websites comes the need for brilliant web designers. But what could a web designer do without an equally brilliant piece of technology where they could design equally great websites.

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Responsive Designing for e-Commerce Websites - What Are the Pros and Cons?
in Responsive Design
Responsive Designing for e-Commerce Websites - What Are the Pros and Cons?

Responsive designing is an essential feedback to the requirement for the websites to offer internet users through multiple devices in a scalable and efficient way. But something that you should note is that responsive designing has been pretty slow with catching up with e-commerce, with only 3% of the companies listed in IR500 utilizing an effective responsive explication for their mobile visitors and 65% using mobile-intensive websites for server-side adaptive HTML.

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