
Web Design Basics - Page 65

Are you new to web design? Learning a new skill can be overwhelming, especially if you do not know where to start from. We suggest you start learning web design from the basics. In this category you’ll find everything you need to know to begin creating that perfect website.

6 Skills Web Designers Need to Have
in Web Design Principles
6 Skills Web Designers Need to Have

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the job outlook for web developers/designers from 2012 to 2022 is 20 percent, which is faster than average. Although it is disappointing that they couldn't make the distinction between web design and web development, their findings are really encouraging for anyone looking to get into the web design field.

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Common UX Mistakes in Web Design
in Web Design Principles
Common UX Mistakes in Web Design

Nowadays it is expected that every business have a website, there is absolutely no getting around it. Yet building a website isn't like it was in the early days of the Internet. Its no longer good enough to have a presence on the web, it has to be well designed, it has to work on a variety of screen sizes and it has to be both useful and usable to the site's visitors.

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100 Premium Infographics from Ingimage
in Freebies
100 Premium Infographics from Ingimage

It is a well-known fact that Infographics just rock! This is a relatively new way to share your information. Designers try to "speak" with readers via some graphics and statistics data. Infographics help them present important information in a compressed but still readable format.

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Usability Tips for Shopping Sites
in Web Design Principles
Usability Tips for Shopping Sites

There are so many shopping sites now that you can't afford to lose customers because of usability issues on your site. While there are hundreds of tips how to improve the usability of your shopping site, not to mention general usability best practices, and not all of them can be included in this article, here are 10 suggestions you might find useful.

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Responsive Design: What You Need To Know
in Responsive Design
Responsive Design: What You Need To Know

There is nothing new about responsive design; it has been around since 2010 when Ethan Marcotte coined the term for an article in A List Apart. But there is no doubt that in a little over three years it has completely changed the way web designer's work.

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Showcase of Law WordPress Templates
in Web Template Customization
Showcase of Law WordPress Templates

These days every successful business has its representation on the Web. This rule is true even for lawyers and law companies. That's why we've put together a huge showcase of stylish Law WordPress Themes. Below, you'll find well-designed templates with a clean code. The templates are for lawyers, law firms, lawyer referral services, judiciary information, and other related websites.

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LightCMS - the Best Solution for Business
in Web Design Principles
LightCMS - the Best Solution for Business

Ever since the Web first came onto the scene businesses have graduated realizing the potential that having an Internet presence offers to their organization to the necessity of being on the web. Although it has become much easier to build robust websites with the advent of Content Management Systems, but as users soon found out that getting everything you want out of a CMS might require quite a bit of technical knowledge.

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471 Premium Design Resources for Free from InkyDeals.com!
in Freebies
471 Premium Design Resources for Free from InkyDeals.com!

Inky Deals is one of the leading deals websites in the design community</b>, with an extended family of more than 300,000 design enthusiasts. It's the place to go if you want to buy premium resources at unbeatable prices, whether you're a graphic or web designer, developer, or business owner looking to improve yourself and your work.

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