Carving on wood in photoshop
In this tutorial you will see howyou can curve some words on a wooden surface by the means of Adobe Photoshop.
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Special Effects category contains a wide range of Photoshop tutorials to help you create unique and stunning effects for your photos and designs, thus making them stand out amongst others. Special Effects will teach you how to interpret reality in a new way, changing your attitude towards it and opening a door in a world of new opportunities, being a key to this very door.
In this tutorial you will see howyou can curve some words on a wooden surface by the means of Adobe Photoshop.
read more<span>Editor's Pick of June, 2009</span><br/>Create fiery counters to make anything radiate the burning light. A Photoshop tutorial on how to come up with a stunning result by just playing around with blending options of a layer.
read moreCreate new 500x500 transparent document. <br/> Filter->Render->Clouds Filter->Stylize->Find edges Image->Adjustements->Invert <br/> Image->Adjutement->Hue/Saturation use these settings: Colorize-checked Hue: 190 Saturation: 100 Lightness: +15 Now zoom out image (ctrl-)
read moreFirst open the image you wish to cell shade. i will be using this car. now go to Filter>Stylize>Find Edges and your image should now look like this now you must press ctrl+shift+F. if you do anything before pressing these keys you will have to start the tutorial again. ...
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