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Simple Pattern Tutorial
in Textures & Patterns
Simple Pattern Tutorial

Ok, if you are going to do this tutorial, I suppose you have knowledge on how to create patterns. This pattern that we are making, is like small screws sticking out of the image. This pattern has a center, and it drops shadows. So what you are going to do is to create a new document (9x9px)...

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3d Transform Tutorial
in 3D Effects
3d Transform Tutorial

1. Create a new project (I used 10x10 cm). Color the background black.
2. Now, make a new layer (Shift+Ctrl+N). Then you go to Filter-->Reder-->3d Transform...
3. Make a random selection of forms. Now rotate the selection a 180 degrees...

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How to Create Wire Tutorial
in Drawing Techniques
How to Create Wire Tutorial

1. Start off by selecting your pen tool and create a shape, whatever shape you want! Make it random, yet good- looking. You have to use the add anchor point tool and then use the direct selection tool to bend etc.<br/> 2. Now, to make the pen tool layer a normal layer...

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Abstract Lightning Tutorial
in Special Effects
Abstract Lightning Tutorial

Start off with your abstract image. Mine is a portion of an old cinema 4d render. Create a new layer and call it "1". With your airbrush (5px wide) create smooth lines like the one's I made on my example below. Make them random, but also make it look good, that's what matters!...

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Orb Tutorial
in Web Layout
Orb Tutorial

1. Start off with an image at the size of mine with a white background. With your eliptical marquee tool create a circle. Create a new layer and fill your selection with orange.
2. Deselect. Click your dodge tool located on the toolbar. Choose an exposure of 50% and a 100px sized brush...

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Abstract Ligtning Tutorial
in Special Effects
Abstract Ligtning Tutorial

Create a new image, prefereably more than 300x300, and create a new layer and fill it with black. Go to Filter - Render - lens flare and create a 80% brightness with 105mm Prime style. Press ok. No brush away all thos ugly effects around the lens. Now it should look somewhat like mine...

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Plastic Text design
in Text Effects
Plastic Text design

1. Open a new document, and put some text in it. In this project, fat text works better than skinny text. I used IMPACT with all capital letters. Yea Impact. This is the hard part of the tutorial :(<br/> 2. Now we are doing the easy stuff...

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Golden Text Tutorial
in Text Effects
Golden Text Tutorial

1. Open a new project and write what ever text you want.
2. Go to blending options and add a stroke. To get the gold effect we will first make it in copper and edit it to gold later. Use the settings on the picture...

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Multiple Stroke
in Text Effects
Multiple Stroke

1. Create a new layer. (181x181) and add your text to it.
2. Go to blending options and change the settings to these settings:...

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