The human eye usually doesn't see as much contrast as a camera's lens does. Digital flash lightens darker areas and darkens lighter areas reducing the contrast and shadows of photographs just like what a fill flash does. A similar effect is used with some of Hewlett Packard's new digital cameras ...
Traditional red eye removal techniques only works for people with dark coloured eyes. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use a layer mask to remove red eyes for every eye colour.
Photographs of fireworks usually look fantastic without any retouching. In this tutorial, you will learn how to increase the contrast and saturation of the fireworks without losing detail to create a better photograph.
Taking photos in the fog usually results in an underexposed, low contrast image. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the levels and brightness/contrast tool to remove the fog and restore the details and colours in the photograph.
Photographs taken with most cell phone cameras are usually creates low contrast image. In this tutorial, you will learn how to quickly improve photographs taken with a cell phone camera.
Purple fringing is evident in photographs taken with a digital camera. Purple fringing creates purple outlines on areas of high acutance. Learn how to remove purple fringing by using an adjustment layer.
Coverting an image to black and white usually means reducing the saturation or just using the red, green or blue channels. By using a channel mixer, you can specify how many of each channel you want in the black and white image.
Sometimes images with a really bright spot makes the rest of the image underexposed. The most common way of fixing this is to use duplicate one or more layers with a screen blending mode...