
Web Design Library Blog - Page 93

Website Design: 7 Steps to Providing Effective Feedback
in Web Design Principles
Website Design: 7 Steps to Providing Effective Feedback

The design phase is the most collaborative part of a project and can be tricky to navigate well. Giving constructive feedback is a vital part of the process, yet so often can be the thing that really holds a project up. In order to assure a successful outcome, clear communication is key and it's important that the channels are always kept open, to allow all parties to review and critique designs, throughout the process.

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How to Create a Landing Page: Step-by-Step Instructions
in Web Design Principles
How to Create a Landing Page: Step-by-Step Instructions

Not every visitor of your website will perform a targeted action. Maybe because your site isn’t attractive enough or there are not enough arguments. A great landing page can be a push for user actions. Let us tell you what kind of a landing page will work for you for sure. Here is to-do list for creating a successful landing page.

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5 Tips to Choosing a Marketing Agency
in Web Promotion
5 Tips to Choosing a Marketing Agency

The rise in technology has completely changed how marketing is done, this is because marketing strategies are quite different and they keep changing. There are many agencies out there which offer marketing services. Different companies offer different services and it’s important to choose the best company depending on what you are looking for. Here are some of the tips you need to know when you are looking for a marketing company.

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4 Things You Should Know About Internet Marketing
in Web Promotion
4 Things You Should Know About Internet Marketing

Internet marketing simply means making an advert online. Be it through social media, blogging, or website. Not only is internet marketing essential to big businesses, but also to small and local businesses. Therefore, you need to be online more often as this helps you in establishing your expertise which generates higher sales even if there is no one marketing for your company.

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4 Things You Should Do to Improve Your Web Design
in Web Design Principles
4 Things You Should Do to Improve Your Web Design

Creating a website that attracts and converts visitors is not always easy. As a matter of fact, it’s a challenge a lot of business owners never really seem to get over. Fortunately, with the wealth of resources available today to designers, creating an attractive and effective site can be done once you know what to look out for and where you can improve.

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3 Reasons to Use a Marketing Agency
in Web Promotion
3 Reasons to Use a Marketing Agency

Hiring a marketing energy will save you time as well as money when it comes to marketing tactics. Today, with the advancement of technology, many businesses are using digital marketing, which is very efficient and can reach a large target audience. However, there are very high levels of competition and frustrations in this platform.

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5 Reasons IT Support Is Important To Your Business
in Site Maintenance
5 Reasons IT Support Is Important To Your Business

Nowadays, the majority of businesses are operated over the internet. This means that all types of communications including marketing campaigns, handling of data, customer inquiries, selling and sourcing of product materials is done through the internet. All of these communications are made possible by having a dedicated IT support team. However, most startups tend to underestimate the significance of IT crews, especially those that don’t have adequate funding.

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