
Web Design Library Blog - Page 117

How Direct Response Marketing Keeps Your Spending Efficient
in Miscellaneous
How Direct Response Marketing Keeps Your Spending Efficient

Responsible business owners know that marketing is a necessary expense. You can’t make money without spending a little, of course, and marketing is an easy enough expense to justify: if you can’t reach your customers and explain your value, then you can’t expect them to turn around and give you their hard-earned cash!

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5 Web Design Trends You Need To Try
in Web Design Principles
5 Web Design Trends You Need To Try

Even though we’re well past the first half of 2017, there are still plenty of things that you can do in order to make the most of the year. This is applicable to web design as well, as there are trends right now that, if you have not tried yet, you certainly have to check out right now. Let’s take a look at 5 Web Design Trends that you simply need to try.

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How Can You Improve Your Website?
in Web Design Principles
How Can You Improve Your Website?

One of the hardest things to do today on the internet is to make sure that your website is constantly improving. What do I mean by this? When you choose to create a website, you will often end up registering up with Google’s search engine service.

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