
Web Design Library Blog - Page 113

Web Design Trends to Look For in 2018
in Web Design Principles
Web Design Trends to Look For in 2018

Web design is a constantly evolving field. As consumer needs change, as tests evolve, as technology advances, we in the web design and development industry are pushing ourselves to meet and exceed new needs, adapt, and deliver new experiences for clients and end-users.

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The Impact of Eye-Catching Visuals on a Customer
in Web Design Principles
The Impact of Eye-Catching Visuals on a Customer

Working in the field of marketing will eventually require you to understand how images and qualitative designs work to gain the attention of potential customers. Yet, learning about what composition and visuals mean by reading a few articles won’t change the way you are perceiving this topic. As a marketer, you might have to be able to juggle between what marketing actually means and what the small details are when it comes to combining visual designs so a potential client will be convinced to...

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A Case Study: The 7 Most Successful Online Games Web Designs
in Inspiration
A Case Study: The 7 Most Successful Online Games Web Designs

Web designers are continually challenging one another when it comes to creating the most enticing, visually appealing, and immersive online games experience. Believe it or not, the gaming aficionado is equally interested in the web designer’s pedigree as he or she is in the game itself. The history of the video game enterprise, the adeptness of the creative team, and the inspirational value of engaging online games are paramount.

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How Influencer Marketing Impacts SEO
in Web Promotion
How Influencer Marketing Impacts SEO

It can take a lot of different shapes. It can look like a partnership, with a contract and all that jazz, or just an informal, mutual appreciation that often involves sharing one another’s posts. In simple terms, influencer marketing is a strategy that focuses on targeting a small set of industry influencers rather than a large target market.

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Easy SEO Tactics Anyone Can Implement
in Search Engine Optimization
Easy SEO Tactics Anyone Can Implement

The internet is a forest of information, goods and services. There is fierce competition between companies to appear on the first page of search engines, to increase their visibility. The higher the rank a website achieves in the search results, the more traffic is generated into the website. For an e-commerce site, this translates to more sales, and for sites that purely post content it increases advertising revenue.

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How Effective Blogger Outreach Can Promote Your Brand Online
in Web Promotion
How Effective Blogger Outreach Can Promote Your Brand Online

Building an online presence takes more than just designing a business website and social media pages. You will also have to find a way to gain more visibility to stand out from the competition. Bloggers are now viewed by many consumers as honest voices who will speak the truth about products they have tried. Many buyers seek reviews by bloggers before deciding to purchase items. Engaging in blogger outreach can go a long way in building credibility and trust among potential clients.

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Creating a Blog With Visual Appeal
in Miscellaneous
Creating a Blog With Visual Appeal

One of the most difficult parts of running a quality blog today is making sure it appeals visually. While in the past we used to be able to get by with reams and reams of text, today people want a bit more visual appeal. It’s the difference in getting the full article read and understood, or left as a partially digested piece that never delivers.

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