Our lives revolve around the internet. Websites have become an ultimate destination for seeking products, services and businesses, and information powerhouses of data are now available at the click of a mouse. Web design is therefore a crucial skill in today’s internet-centered world. Web design, in simple terms, is the conceptualizing, creating and updating of websites. It encompasses webpage layout, content production and graphic design. The design landscape has witnessed a sea-change in the recent past due to the ubiquitous use of smart phones to access the internet. The websites of today should be responsive to any platforms, whether it is smart phones, tablets, laptop or desktop computers. Websites generally depend on HTML and CSS to determine the appearance of each page in a browser. HTML tags define the content and metadata of each page, while the CSS framework establishes the layout and appearance of elements within a webpage.
Elements of Web Designing
Web design uses key visual elements such as layout, graphics and content. Layout is the way in which graphics, advertisements and text are arranged in a website. The choice of colors ranges from a simple black-and-white design to multi-colored design, depending on the personality of a person and a brand. A good web design also consists of color schemes, typography, layout, photos and icons that enhance a web page. These elements are placed appropriately in line with color, content and purpose of the web page. Content is the main component of a website and consists of visuals and text. The written text should be relevant and useful to the reader, optimized for search engines and incorporate relevant keywords. A professional paper writer would make for a good content writer.
Web Designing Tools
Human beings are visual creatures by nature and possess a deep connection with beauty. Websites should offer good interactivity and an excellent user interface (UI) design to cater to the human aesthetic sense. The best website design tools are efficient, time-saving and economical. Photoshop has been the default web design tool for a long time. It is an excellent design tool for creating a beautiful visual layout, illustrations, 3-D artwork and design mobile apps. Dreamweaver is a visual web development tool for constructing dynamic web pages that cross platforms and browser limits.
Benefits of Web Designing
The first impression is the last impression. The front page of a website is essentially the store front and is a reflection of a person and business. A professionally designed website enhances visibility and generates immense traffic and business inquiries, which in turn translates into a rise in revenues. On the other hand, a shabby front page would compel the visitors to look elsewhere.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the buzzword in the field of online marketing today. SEO is the optimization of the website to ensure a higher ranking on the search engine. Customers in search of businesses and services look for specific keywords and generally confine themselves to the top 4-5 listings generated by the search engine.
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