Here is a Flash design for commerce that not only looks great - it has fast moving and effective navigation. This user friendly website has a good soundtrack.
This is a very fine example of Flash design. The website has great layout, graphics, color, photos and navigation. The website shows a superb portfolio.
This is a slick almost sci-fi looking design portfolio done in Flash. The layout is great and the navigation is smooth and fast. The sounds are minimal but good.
This is a web designer's portfolio site. It has a great layout and color selection. Modern graphics, excellent Flash effects and a good sound effects track make it a real winner.
This is an artist's portfolio website conceived in Flash. The neutral colors are balanced by great contrasts and movements in navigation to give this website a lot of energy.
This Flash portfolio of designers' work is really excellent. It is particularly well suited for websites and graphics targeting younger visitors. Masterpiece.
This unbelievably smart Flash portfolio webpage was designed to show off the work of a photographer. The music accompanies crisp, interesting navigation.
This very original Flash website is a fashion and art folio that has many excellent projects to see. The interesting grpahics look great in the navigation.
This is a very interesting Flash catalog for a furniture seller. The layout and graphics look excellent. The Flash movements are perfect for the format.
The beauty of this Flash website for a Christian married couple's musical duet is the graphics that were designed originally for it. Navigation is a lot of fun too.
This very original design was done in Flash. The graphics are original and creative, layout it is good, navigation is fun and it has good sound effects.