The shtick of this site is the high tech 3d robot. That's because of it the template is so superb!
The shtick of this site is the high tech 3d robot. That's because of it the template is so superb!
This web design company's site speaks for itself. Excellent animation, harmonious 3d blocks, well-thought-out layout.
The photographer's works just zap. The site itself is made in the same style and nothing prevents to enjoy the art.
Very creative and interesting site providing services in the market of a free time. The site is made in HTML, yet it's very dynamic.
The site's animation deserves high praise. If all templates had such animation!
Excellent youth website dealing with Lois jeans. Waggish presentation goes together with self-descriptiveness.
The site is devoted to the original topic: party planner. Choose what you like most and go ahead!
Here's a 3d site in the right way. A lot of elements impress much, so don't be lost here!
The example of an excellent Photo Portfolio site. Maximum space is for photos and minimum for menu.
Leather clothes company's site. Some elfish music and fairy enchanting girl create unique atmosphere.
Music band's site. It resembles a horror film scene a little.
A good template of the business style. The site is made in dark colors.
Russian gallery of art sites. The site is remarkable for the fact that all its content is placed in the right side of the page and occupies only the small part of the screen.
Portfolio sites should look exactly like this one. Nothing prevents from quick and easy look-see.
This site is done within one page. There are no internal links within it, only the outbound ones.
It's not often you can meet a site with navigation which doesn't fit into the page without scrolling. This site is one of these rarities. Though the links are placed harmoniously.
Very unusual personal portfolio website. It has similar to windows navigation.
Here is a Flash design for art creation that not only looks great - it has fast moving and effective navigation. This user friendly website has a good soundtrack.
Starting from preloader, the site pleases the visitors eyes with its style. The hand in a glove is just superb.
This web template is made in Web 2.0 style - all up-to-date design elements are on their place.
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