
Steps for Becoming a Full Stack Web Developer

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Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/web-design-laptop-html-design-2038872/

If you want to become a full-stack web developer, you might be surprised how easy it can be once you know what you need to do. All you need is passion, dedication, and perseverance and you will get there in no time. In this article, we are going to see these easy steps you need to employ to become an outstanding web developer.

What Is a Web Developer?

A web developer specializes in the development of websites and is responsible for web page coding, design, and layout. A full-stack web developer is someone who has expertise in all aspects of website development, from front-end to back-end. Developers need to know about all three layers:

  • Client-side (browser)
  • Server-side (web server)
  • Database layer (database)

Learn the Basic Technical Skills and Programming Languages.

There's no singular path to becoming a full-stack web developer, but there are some key skills you will need to learn, no matter what route you take. First and foremost, you will need to learn the basics of:

  • Java script
  • CSS
  • HTML

These are the building blocks of the web, and you'll need to be proficient in all three to create dynamic and responsive websites. You'll also want to know how to use design software such as:

  • Photoshop
  • Sketch
  • Code editors like (Sublime Text or Brackets)

The more languages you know, the more job opportunities will open up for you down the line. Learning new programming languages is easier than ever. Thanks to online courses that offer interactive tutorials. These tutorials include:

  • HTML, React, and Node
  • Front-End Development

A full-stack developer is someone with broad technical knowledge of the fundamental building blocks of development that includes:

  • Front Ends
  • Back Ends
  • Version control
  • Operating system
  • Database management
  • System design

Step 1: Front End vs Back Ends

A full-stack web developer is someone who can develop both the front end and back end of a website. The front end is what the user sees and interacts with, while the back end is what runs the website. To become a full-stack web developer, you need to have skills in both areas. Front-end development includes:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • JQuery
  • Bootstrap.

Back-end development includes:

  • PHP
  • MySQL (a database)
  • Ruby on Rails (for building an API)
  • NodeJS (used for scalability)

Familiarity with one or more of these languages will make it easier to get started in becoming a full-stack web developer.


Step 2: Version Control vs Operating System

There are two types of full-stack web developers: those who know how to use version control and those who don’t. Version control is a must for any web developer because it allows you to track changes to your code, makes collaboration easier, and provides a safety net if you make a mistake.

The simplest type of version control is called git. Once you have an understanding of how to use git, then you can start learning how to install an operating system like Ubuntu on your computer. Operating systems allow you to run software programs (such as Python) on your computer without needing access to a server that runs the software program.

Step 3: Database Management vs System Design

There are two main types of web development: database management and system design. Database management is responsible for storing and retrieving data, while system design focuses on the overall look and feel of the website. Both types of web development are important, but they require different skill sets. Systems design requires skills such as:

  • HTML5 a
  • CSS3 programming languages
  • Knowledge of cascading style sheets (CSS)
  • Experience with content management systems (CMS) like WordPress or Drupal
  • Experience with template engines like Bootstrap or Foundation
  • JavaScript
  • AngularJS frameworks
  • Knowledge of commonly used tools such as NodeJS.

The best way to learn about these topics is by attending a software engineering bootcamp at Fullstack Academy. This program can teach you how to work with databases, how to write code that interacts with the databases, how to build websites from scratch using CMSs and themes, and how to design websites from scratch using templates.


The skills mentioned above will only be beneficial to you if you have good communication, quick learning, problem-solving ability, and attention to detail. This will put you in good stead regardless of the type of development you're considering.

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