
UX Research Fundamentals
in Website Usability
UX Research Fundamentals

In the modern world, most of us heavily rely on delivering products and services that are aimed to please the needs of the target audience. However, how to know what a buyer wants unless you do research? Most business owners have official web pages where they speak about their services or represent the goods they sell. Using the UX research methods, you can get many useful insights regarding your clients' preferences. UX research lets businesses discover their customers' goals, preferences, ment...

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Best Online Web Design Courses to Enroll in
in Inspiration
Best Online Web Design Courses to Enroll in

Today, in the time of active development of Internet technologies, web design courses are one of the best investments in your future. The ability to work remotely as a freelancer or in a web studio on serious and interesting projects and be financially independent are the main reasons to immediately start your training in web design.

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7 Tips for Designing the Best Healthcare Website
in Web Design Principles
7 Tips for Designing the Best Healthcare Website

There is no doubt that today the website is an indispensable component in the promotion of every medical institution. 95% of healthcare marketing executives believed their company’s website was the primary driver of new business for hospitals. However, it should be remembered that its presence is not enough. The site must be properly designed and updated regularly. It should take into account the needs of the target audience and be easy to use.

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Day In The Life Of A Full-Stack Developer
in Miscellaneous
Day In The Life Of A Full-Stack Developer

Being a full stack developer may be an unpleasant experience in general. Even the most basic application needs a staggering amount of knowledge. You must understand how HTML works, how CSS can be used to design HTML in one of a million different ways, and whether or not you want any form of interactivity. You are immediately presented with hundreds of web frameworks/libraries, each with its own set of best practices for basically performing the same thing.

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How to Successfully Launch Your Business Online in 2021
in Inspiration
How to Successfully Launch Your Business Online in 2021

There's no question that 2021 has been a bit of a rollercoaster year. Many economies were shuttered or at least slowed down thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, but they are now fully opening up, welcoming customers, and really enjoying the boom that has been missing for almost a year now. You may be thinking that this is the perfect time to launch your business online now that 2021 is looking much more promising. But is there anything you can do that can help to increase your company's odds of succ...

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Ecommerce Trends That You Should Know This Year
in Website Usability
Ecommerce Trends That You Should Know This Year

E-commerce has become one of the richest and most widespread industries. It has made more than two trillion dollars since it first began. As many people have digitalized their work and shopping environment, e-commerce has become the change that we need. In the next two years, it is estimated that the e-commerce industry will reach around $6000 billion. It is a serious number for an industry that has only begun. Nonetheless, knowing even a little bit of e-commerce will help you grow your business...

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