
Responsive Design Books for Smarter Design
in Responsive Design
Responsive Design Books for Smarter Design

Responsive design is an obvious trend in our day and age. Well, if you don't live under the rock. Moreover, it has been a trend for about two years now. And I'm sure that it will be even more popular for a bunch of years. As a cool web developer, you should make responsive web sites in the right way. To show you how to do it, I've put together these awesome books on responsive web design. Do not hesitate to invest in your education, because knowledge is power!

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The Most Informative Web Site Hosting Tips You Can't Miss
in Web Design Principles
The Most Informative Web Site Hosting Tips You Can't Miss

Let's face it: Effective and good hosting is exceptionally vital to any website. After all, it is the basis of your web site. Just think of it this way: If your web site experiences server downtime, it will have dreadful consequences. Your business and brand could well suffer irremediable damage, which is very costly if you've been painstakingly building your brand for a number of years! If you're a professional who's serious about his website, then you must ensure it's in good hands.

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Halloween Inspiration from Amazon
in Inspiration
Halloween Inspiration from Amazon

Halloween is knocking in our doors! It is not a lot of free time left to prepare for this holiday. That's why we should decorate our flats, make some holiday related stuff, create a smashing pumpkin for the holiday.

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Fundamental Resources to Have. The Step-by-Step Process of Making a Website: Lesson 5
in Web Design Principles
Fundamental Resources to Have. The Step-by-Step Process of Making a Website: Lesson 5

Here we are at the end of our exclusive series on the making of a website. In the preceding, four lessons, you learned all about the joys of HTML, CSS and styling, laying out your website and then selecting your webhost and finally launching your site. Now, you have the opportunity to tie all this knowledge together with our handy wrap-up post on further resources and approaches you can rely on to learn even more!

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The Best Halloween Costumes Ever
in Inspiration
The Best Halloween Costumes Ever

Halloween is coming! The first thing you should think about is where to find the best Halloween costume for the party! We here at WebDesign.org wanna help you with this stuff :) Scroll down and find some awesome variants of costumes for ladies, children, men and even your pets!

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