
How To Create An SEO Friendly And Appealing Blog
in Web Design Principles
How To Create An SEO Friendly And Appealing Blog

According to one study, there are over 152 million blogs on the internet. That is a virtual country all by itself and like any 'country' it has its own dynamics to offer. Joining the world of bloggers is an easy and interesting thing to do. Business organizations go the blog way in order to enjoy multiple benefits. So the trick is in knowing how to make a blog effective which meets a few critical goals.

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7 Things Your Client's Logo Needs to Succeed
in Miscellaneous
7 Things Your Client's Logo Needs to Succeed

Logo designs all start the same way. Your web design client asks if you can update their brand logo "while you're at it," and you agree because you want to keep them happy. Two weeks later, you're up to your chin in logo concepts that just aren't working.

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