In the "Avatar, The Legend of Aang" Cartoon serial, Air Temple is the place of monks, located on the mountain. Now let's create our own Air Temple panorama using Adobe Photoshop from several images and a bit of manual drawing.
Before start to compose, take a look of this sketch. This is a scene we're going to create.
Create a new 1600 x 1150 px document. Take the "Rocky Mountain National Park 3" and put it on top of canvas. Resize it with "Cmd / Ctrl + T" in order to get right proportion.
Then add the "River Krka Waterfalls" in front of previous image. Place it on bottom right of the canvas.
Now do masking on "River Krka Waterfalls", hide the unnecessary space. We just need the waterfall and a small tree. Click on "Add layer mask" icon then use brush with black color to make mask. The unnecessary space is shown below with red color.
And here is the result of masking.
Now import the other waterfall stock.
And place it behind the "River Krka Waterfalls" layer.
Then create mask on the "Waterfall", like this.
Take the "Wahington Coast" and cut out the hills.
Put it behind waterfalls. Arrange the proportion and place.
We need Dodge Tool to add bright side, then Burn Tool to add dark side. See this image below for reference.
Next is "Grand Canyon Scenic 4". Use Pen Tool (P) to make path of selection we need. After selection change (Ctrl+Enter), bring it into the composition
Now we need Color Balance Adjustment in order to get color matching between canyon and waterfall. Click on adjustment icon at the layer pallet and select "Color Balance". Then create clipping mask (Cmd + Opt + G / Ctrl + Alt + G) so this adjustment just influences the "Grand Canyon" layer. Set like this:
And the result of adjustment is:.
Then we will correct the wrong lighting of this object. In our project, the light source is from left to right, so use Dodge Tool to increase the brightness of left side and use Burn Tool to increase the darkness of the right side. Set the range to "Midtones", Exposure 30% and Hardness 0%.
The darker side should be increased again. Create new layer (Cmd / Ctrl + Shift + N), then create clipping mask (Cmd + Opt + G / Ctrl + Alt + G) and set the blending mode to "Multiply". Activate Brush Tool (B), set the opacity 30%, hardness 0% then paint carefully.
Import "El Tajo" then use Pen Tool (P) to make a path on it. See this image below for reference, we will create a place to build the temples. While the path has done, right click and select "Make Selection", then drag it to our canvas.
Place it behind the waterfalls.
Add "Color Balance" adjustment by clicking layer adjustment icon on the layer pallet and select "Color Balance". Then press Cmd + Opt + G / Ctrl + Alt + G to create clipping mask.
Input the following setting:
Import the "Bagan Temple", crop it from its background then drag it to "El Tajo".
Add "Color Balance" Adjustment and create clipping mask (Cmd + Opt + G / Ctrl + Alt + G). Input the following setting:
To adjust the light and shadow, give dodge and burn to "Bagan Temple". Use low exposure and hardness.
Now add layer mask and hide same unnecessary parts of "Bagan Temple".
Activate Pen Tool with "shape layer" setting. Set color to #ffdeac and draw the road. For more realistic result, add more curvatures.
Then click menu Filter > Noise > Add Noise. Before proceeding, the shape layer will be rasterized, just click OK.
Now take "Temple Joss Paper Furnaces", crop it from the background then drag to the composition. Place it behind the road and clone it using Cmd+Opt+Drag / Ctrl + Alt + Drag. Also add behind "El Tajo"
For each of "Temple Joss Paper Furnaces" give a clipping masked "Color Balance" adjustment layer, and use the following setting.
Create layer mask on "Temple Joss Paper Furnaces" that placed behind the "Road". Hide the unnecessary parts.
Now we back to "El Tajo" layer. Press Cmd / Ctrl + Shift + N to create a new layer in front of it. Name it "Shadow" select "Multiply" for layer blending mode. Then create clipping mask (Cmd + Opt + G / Ctrl + Alt + G). Activate Brush Tool (B), use 0% hardness and 20% Opacity.
Paint the dark side with black carefully.
Pay attention to these parts, the road's curvature affects the dark side.
The way we paint dark side complies the curvature of the road.
Also add dark side to these parts:
For the other layers, the "Road", each of "Temple Joss Paper Furnaces" and "Bagan Temple", create new clipping masked layers with "Multiply" blending mode, then paint the dark side. If needed we can also add the highlight side on new clipping masked layer with "Screen" blending mode and paint with soft white.
Now take bird image, choose "Kite in Flight". We can use Quick Selection Tool to separate the object from its background. Then drag it into the composition.
Add clipping masked "Color Balance" layer adjustment and use following setting.
The bird before and after adding adjustment shown below.
Duplicate the "Kite in Flight" layer and give motion blur.
Add layer mask and hide the body, so the wings look like flapping.
Take "Seagulls in Flight", grab one of the birds, drag into the canvas.
Use Burn Tool to darken the wings and tail.
Now create clipping masked "Color Balance" adjustment layer and use following setting:
Take the bird brush and create "Flock of Birds".
Press Cmd / Ctrl + Shift + N to create a new layer. Then activate Brush Tool (J), set color to white, paint the "mist" with low opacity and 0% hardness.
Create new layer again. Set the background and foreground to default. Then click menu Filter > Render > Clouds. And set blending mode to "Screen".
Add layer mask and hide several parts.
Add adjustment layer above all layers and don't create clipping mask.
Add black line at top and bottom. Create selection with Marquee Tool then fill with black.
And this is the final image of the tutorial.
Click on Image for Enlarge View
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