
Sex Cyborg Tutorial

Sex Cyborg Tutorial 1

Gynoids - female sex robots - were bought to life in the 2004 animated film Ghost in the Shell 2, where they had become homicidal due to tampering.

Learn how to turn skin white and shiny, as well as create sci-fi lighting effects in this futuristic sex robot photomanipulation.

Sex Cyborg Tutorial 2

Step 1: Removing the Eyebrows

With the photo open in Photoshop, use the Polygonal Lasso Tool to make a selection around the left eyebrow.

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Go to Edit>Fill and choose Content-Aware as the fill content.

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This will have filled in the selection with the surrounding skin, removing the eyebrow completely.

Use the same process to remove the right eyebrow.

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Next remove any spots or blemishes using the same select and content-aware fill technique.

Step 2: Smoothing the Skin

For the next part we will be editing just the models skin, so it will be usefull to make a layer mask of the skin.

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First use the Quick Selection Tool to make a selection of the skin. Take extra care around the area where the hair falls on the right shoulder.

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When you're happy with your selection, go to Select>Refine Edge.

Use the sliders and the Refine Radius Tool to tidy up the selection

Make sure the Output is set to New Layer with Layer Mask.

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With your new layer selected go to Filter>Blur>Surface Blur.

The Surface Blur will blur the surface of the skin while keeping the edges sharp.

Set the Radius to 15 pixels, and the Threshold to 20 levels.

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Now duplicate this layer, and with the duplicated layer selected go to Filter>Artistic>Plastic Wrap.

Set the Highlight Strength to 3, the Detail to 1, and the Smoothness to 15.

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With the Plastic effect applied, some places like the hairline and above the top lip will look unnatural, so use a soft black brush in the layer mask to remove these areas.

Step 3: Whitening the Skin

Next we'll whiten the skin. Add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer, and take the Saturation down to -100.

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In the layer mask, use a very small black brush to mask out the adjustment layer on the eyes, lips and nails, bringing the colour back in these areas.

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We now need to brightnen up the skin.

Add a Curves adjustment layer, and with it's layer mask selected got to Image>Apply Image...

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Choose the surface blurred layer and it's Layer Mask as the Channel, then click OK.

This will apply the same layer mask to the Curves layer, meaning the adjustments we make will only affect the skin.

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To brighten the skin, use the black color picker to select the darkest area around the left eye, and use the white color picker to select the brightest area on the forehead.

Step 4: Changing the Skin and Eye Colour

Now we want to give the skin a blue tint.

Add a Solid Color adjustment layer, and use the colour #0c00ff.

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To confine the blue to the skin only, do the same as we did for the Curves layer to add the skin layer mask.

Set the layer's blending mode to Soft Light, and take its Opacity down to 10%.

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To change the eye color, go back down to the bottom layer and add a Color Balance adjustment layer.

Take the Cyan to maximum, then Fill the layer mask with black. Use a very small white brush to paint over the irises, bringing the colour back.

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Next add a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer, and take both the Brightness and Contrast up to +30.

Again, fill the layer mask with black and use a small white brush to paint over the eyes.

Step 5: Creating the Joins

To create the joins, we'll first draw a shape with the Pen Tool.

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Starting at the back of the neck, draw a line matching the contours of the neck.

Once finished, select the line and copy and paste it, move it upwards slightly, then using the Pen Tool, join both lines together at the ends, creating a solid shape.

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With the Direct Selection Tool, right click on the shape and choose Make Selection.

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Add a new layer above the shine layer, then with it selected, fill the shape with black.

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Double-click on the layer to bring up the Layer Styles box.

Click on Bevel and Emboss, set the Style to Emboss and use the settings shown above.

Sex Cyborg Tutorial 22

Use the same technique to create the join on the arm, and use layer masks to mask out the edges with a soft black brush.

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The joins on the fingers can be created in exactly the same way.

Step 6: The Outer Blur

Next we'll blur the edges of the image.

To do this, first group all the layers together, then duplicate the group.

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Merge the duplicated group togther, then duplicate the merged layer.

Call the top layer 'blur' and go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur.

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Set the Radius to 20 pixels.

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Now add a layer mask to the 'blur' layer, and use the Gradient Tool to draw a black to white radial gradient from the centre of the face outwards.

Step 7: Lighting the Scene

Next we'll add some adjustment layers to modify the lighting and colour tones of the image.

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Add a Hue/Saturation layer and take the Saturation down to -20.

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Then add a Gradient Fill layer using a white to transparent gradient set to 120 degrees.

Set the layer's blending mode to Soft Light, and the Opacity to 60%.

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Next add another Gradient Fill layer, this time using a blue #0c00ff to pink #ff00f6 gradient.

Set it to Lighten at 20% Opacity.

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And finally add another Gradient Fill layer, this time using a pink #ff00f6 to transparent gradient.

Set it's blending mode to Lighten and it's Opacity to 20%.

Step 8: Adding Lens Flares

To create a lens flare, first draw a blue 0c00ff circle with the Ellipse Tool.

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Rasterize the layer by right-clicking on it and choosing Rasterize Layer.

Then go to Filter>Blur>Motion Blur.

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Set the Distance to maximum, and click OK.

Repeat the Motion Blur to stretch the blur further.

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Use the transform tool to scale it down vertically, and move it to the desired position.

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Duplicate the layer to strengthen it's visibility, then merge the two layers together.

Set it's blending mode to Lighten.

To add another lens flare, just duplicate this layer then resize and reposition it.

The Final Outcome

Sex Cyborg Tutorial

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