
Color Blending Collection

The first tutorials for new year! Color blending style is back with the third collection. Its one of my most favorite effects and i hope you will like them too. I. Soft high contrast photo effect:

image 2

1. Open your picture and duplicate it. Choose Image-Apply Image:
image 3
This step is to remove green tone and reduce blue tone of the pic.
image 4
2. Create a new Selective color layer: Neutrals: 11, 3, 9, 0
Its to increase light cyan tone.
image 5
3. Stamp visible all layers ( Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E). Choose Channel Pallete, Ctrl+A to choose Green channel, Ctrl+C to copy it and press Ctrl+V to paste it into Blue channel. We have:
image 6
This step is to change color of umbrella to fit background.
4. Stamp visible again. Apply Gassian blur with 4 px then set this layer to Soft light 100. Press Ctrl+U to reduce the red tone on model face:
image 7

image 8
5. Stamp visible once again. Apply Gassian blur with 4 px and set it to Hard light 20%: ( You can choose Soft light mode, it depends on your fancy or your own picture).
image 9
6. New Selective color layer: Reds: 86, -23, 12, 0 Whites: 0, -21, 0, 0 This step is to reduce red tone on model to be suitable for background.
image 10 7. In this step we are about to add rain effect to this photo. Its a very easy effect and most of you may know it already. Create a new layer and fill it with black ( Choose Edit-Fill). Apply Add noise filter:
image 11

Press Ctrl+L to increase contrast and reduce "rain effect" intensity:

image 12

Apply Motion blur:
image 13
Set this layer to Screen 100%:

image 14
Press Ctrl+L to increase brightness:
image 15
Apply Gassian blur with 0.5 px to soften this effect to make it look more natural.
Add layer mask and use soft black brush with 50% opacity, 50% flow to blur the rain effect on some parts of model:

image 16
Final effect:

image 17
II. Sweet spring sunshine effect:
image 18

1. Open the model stock. Create a new Selective color layer: Reds: 19, -13, 14, 0 Yellows: 0, -9, -32, 0 Greens: 100, -82, -100, 0 Neutrals: 4, 0, -4, 0
This step is to increase Green tone also decrease the red tone on model skin and hair.
image 19
2. A new Selective color again: Reds: -38, -23, 11, 4 Yellows: -8, -36, -51, 0 Greens: 100, -100, -63, 0 Cyans: 0, 21, 38, 0
Its to increase light yellow tone for skin, hair and cyan tone for background.
image 20
3. Create a new Curves layer, click to choose Gray point:
image 21
With the tool selected, click to pick skin color on model hand:
image 22
We have the settings for Red, Green, Blue channel and result:
image 23

image 24

image 25

image 26
Adjust RGB to increase the light:
image 27

image 28
4. I do a small manip. Choose one from butterfly stock, move it and resize it:
image 29
Then Choose Image-Adjustment-Selective color to change color of butterfly : Reds: 100, -36, -67, 0 Yellows: 100, -9, -28, -26 Neutrals: 13, 13, 0, 0 Blacks: 20, -14, 12, 0
image 30
5. Create a new layer, use hard brush, 2 px and soft brush, 4 , 6, 9 px to draw on the pic, then set outer glow with default settings:
image 31
6. New layer with settings:
Use dodge and Burn tool to enhance the eyes.
image 32
Final effect:

image 33

III. Beautiful night light effect:

image 34

1. Open the image. Create a new Curves layer:
image 35

image 36
Its to increase dark yellow tone of the pic.
image 37
2. Create a new Selective color: Reds: -30, 34, 90, 0 Yellows: 4, -26, 16, 20 Greens: 100, -100, 100, 0 Neutrals: 47, 0, 39, 0
Its to add green tone for background.
image 38
3. Make a new channel mixer layer: Red: 105, 0, 0
Its to increase a bit of red tone on model face.
image 39
4. Press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E to merge all layers. Choose Filter-Render-Lighting effect:
image 40
Duplicate this layer and apply Lighting effect again:
image 41
Add layer mask to eraser hand:
image 42
5. Stamp visible all layers. Apply Render-Len Flare:
image 43
Add layer mask to eraser the sun effect on model and the background:
image 44
6. Add bokeh texure to main document. Set this layer to Screen 50%, then duplicate it and change mode to Soft light 50%. Add layer mask to eraser effect on model, background.
Final effect:

image 45

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