
Brighten Colors Selectively

1. Open your image. I've taken a watermelon on a porch. It has few well-defines colors very suitable for this technique. Make a copy of the original image or just copy the background layer. You can make this original layer invisible; we won't need it any more, if only for reference.

image 1

2. Add an adjustment layer 'Levels' and brighten the image a bit.

image 2
Click to enlarge

3. Add another adjustment layer 'Selective color' and start adjusting our colors. First of all it would be Green that is the most in the picture.

image 3
Click to enlarge

4. Now comes Yellow:

image 4
Click to enlarge

5. White:

image 5
Click to enlarge

6. Black:

image 6
Click to enlarge

7. And Neutral to give more volume to the porch.

image 7
Click to enlarge

8. Merge all visible layers and change image mode to Lab (Image > Mode > Lab).

9. Open Channels tab in the Layers palette and choose Lightness channel. Go to Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask and use it on the image. Don't forget to change back to RGB mode.

image 8
Click to enlarge

10. Copy the layer and go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.

image 9
Click to enlarge

11. Set the top layer to Multiply and reduce its opacity to 25-35 %.

image 10

12. The last touch - add 'Levels' Adjustment layer and use black and white eyedroppers on the darkest and lightest parts of the image.

image 11
Click to enlarge

You can compare the two images now:


image 12


Brighten Colors Selectively

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