
Angelina Jolie as a Na'vi from Avatar Movie


There are several ways of handling this. I prefer contrast, and enjoy using the shiny skin of the Na'vi in all my manipulations. Their skin is smooth and slick�????�???�??�?�¢?�????�???�??�?�¦ reflecting a little more light than the human face.

Duplicate the manipulatedBlue layer. Leave the rest of the layers as they are in case you want to change them later.

image 1

image 2

Select the Dodge tool, and with the settings below, put in highlights where the light touches reflects off the face. Adjusting brush sizes for the area your working on.

image 3

image 4

Create a New Layer. Locate the Skin Brush that says "330" and with White or a very light blue color, cover the whole face.

image 5

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image 7 image 8 image 9

Erase Extra. Leave just enough to make it look like the skin sparkles when being hit by the light.

image 10

image 11

image 12

Using the Burn too with the following settings, go in and contour the face a bit. Make sure the sides of the nose are dark enough to suggest a bump.

image 13

image 14 image 15

Eye Brows (Na'vi Style)

Remember that the Na'vi have very organic features. The eye brows taper at the ends, so no matter what your original eye brow shape is, try to keep in mind that the end should probably be pointy.

Create a New Layer. Turn off the "Blue" layers. Use the Pen tool to trace the Eye Brows. When the paths are both closed, right click and select "Make Path". Accept the default settings.

image 16

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image 18 image 19

Turn the "Blue" Layers back on. Change the Layer Blending Mode to Overlay. Fill in the selections with a light blue (I'm using #8c9aed)

image 20

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image 22

Open Image>Adjustments>Hue/Saturation or hit Ctrl+U and edit the Hue/Saturation to make them a dark blue

image 23

Press OK. Use the Rectangular Marquee tool to select one Eye Brow and move it up to where it would naturally be.

image 24

image 25

image 26

image 27

Repeat for other side.

image 28

Select the Smudge tool and with the settings below smudge along the outline of the eyebrows as seen in this example:

image 29

(This is how I move my brush while smudging)

image 30

image 31

Optional: I made a color adjustment for the eye brows.

image 32

image 33

Face Stripes

Create a New Layer. Change the Layer Blending Mode to Overlay. Select the Pen Tool. Start making stripes on the face. Following the contours of the face, and make the stripes slightly longer than the hair line.

image 34

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image 36

I put a guide in the middle of the face so I knew where to stop. To do this go to View>New Guide. Click on Vertical. Click Ok. Look to the LEFT and drag the guide to the center of the face.

image 37

Still using the Pen Tool, Right Click>Make Selection. Fill in the selection with a light blue (I used #7686b9).

image 38

Deselect. Open Image>Adjustments>Hue/Saturation or hit Ctrl+U and edit the Hue/Saturation to make them closer to the skin color, only a little darker.

image 39

Repeat the Smudging Technique used on the Eyebrows.

image 40

image 41

The Na'vi Stripes are not completely opaque. They are darker on the edges than they are in the center. Select the Eraser tool and with the setting below, carefully erase through the middle of each stripe, starting at the ends closer to the center of the face. I do not recommend erasing parts of the middle head stripe yet.

image 42

image 43

Optional: I changed the Hue/Saturation of the stripes a few times. Here are the changes I made.

image 44

image 45

If you are unhappy with the shape of your stripes you can easily change them by using liquify.

image 46

Duplicate the Strips either by selecting them, copy and pasting, or by duplicating the layer itself. Go to Edit>Transform>Flip Horizontal. Move the Flipped stripes over to the other side of the face.

image 47

image 48

If you have a guide still up, go to View>Clear Guides. If there is a break in between your stripes, nudge the seconds Stripe layer towards the other until thy meet.

image 49 image 50

If you have two "Stripe" layers, select one, hold shift, and select the color. Go to Layer>Merge Layers or Ctrl+E to merge the "Stripe" layers. Adjust their blending mode back to Overlay.

image 51

Select the Eraser tool and with the following settings, use the same Eraser method from earlier on the middle section.

image 52

image 53

Select the Burn tool and with the settings below, Burn the stripes where the shadow falls so they blend in better.

image 54

image 55

Glow Dots

Duplicate manipulatedBlue2.

image 56

Select the Dodge tool. Click on the Brushes Icon image 57 and adjust the tool to the settings shown:

image 58

Use the Brush settings below. Use varying degrees of pressure. If you mess up, you can just erase the dots you don't want and the manipulatedBlue2 layer will show underneath.

image 59

image 60


Repeat the process used for the face stripes. The body stripes are larger and require a bit of creativity when dealing with the size shape. The one's I'm making are very basic.

You need the color of the face stripes. Go to the Stripes Layer, change the opacity to "Normal" and use the Eye Dropper where the color is the most opaque or the darkest.

image 61

image 62

image 63

Restore the Layer Opacity to Overlay.

Create a New Layer. Change its Opacity to Overlay. Select the Pen tool, make stripes the same way you did for the face.

image 64

image 65

image 66

Right Click>Make Selection. Click Ok. Fill in the Lines with the color we selected earlier.

image 67

image 68

Deselect. Select the Smudge tool and smudge along the lines. Here is an Example of how I move my brush:

image 69

image 70

image 71

Select the Eraser Tool and erase like you did earlier.

image 72

image 73

Duplicate the stripes. Edit>Transform>Flip Horizontal.

image 74

image 75

Merge the two Body Stripes layers.

image 76

image 77

Erase the stripes where the hair is covering the body.

image 78

image 79

Change layer Blending Mode back to Overlay. Select the Burn tool and burn the stripes where the shadows hit to make them blend in more.

image 80

image 81

If you are unhappy with the shape of the stripes, again, you can use the Liquify tool to move them around as I did.

image 82

Use the Burn tool on the stripes where the shadow hits to make them blend in more.

image 83

image 84

Return to the glowDots Layer.

image 85

Select the Dodge tool. Click on the Brushes Icon image 86 and adjust the tool to the settings shown:

image 87

Use the Brush settings below. Adjust the Brush size as you go along, varying the size of the dots. This is made easy clicking [ to make the brush smaller, or ] to make it larger.

image 88

image 89

If you mess up, you can just erase the dots you don't want and the manipulatedBlue2 layer will show underneath.

image 90

Duplicate manipulatedBlue2 layer and merge the Duplicate with glowDots. If you erased anything on the glowDots layer, this guarantees no empty space in the images.

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