Learn how to create the moss that was used in v5 of MickM.com!
Take the colors #688D46 and #27470A as your palette-colors and go to Filter>Render>Clouds
Go to Filter>Render>Difference Clouds and press CTRL+F a few times
Press CTRL+U and change the settings
Go to Filter>Disort>Diffuse Glow and set the settings to make it look like mine
Go to Filter>Artistic>Palette Knife and play with the settings
Then add a low plastic wrap with Filter>Artistic>Plastic Wrap
Go to Filter>Artistic>Film Grain and set the settings quite low so that it looks like my image
Go to Filter>Noise>Add Noise and add some noise
Press CTRL+D and use the Burn- and Dodge-Tool to make some area's darker
Now you could also choose to make the moss have more relief, but that is done different. Go to Filter>Render>Lightning Effects and set the bottom menu to green. You also need to fiddle around with the thumbnail and the angle of the lightning... But that is different in every image. Only do this step if you want the relief. I for one, did not use it, therefore it's up to you if you use it!
Create a new layer and fill it with black
Go to Filter>Noise>Add Noise and set the slider to maximum
Add Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur and make it look fuzzy
Press CTRL+L and create shapes of your liking
Delete the white background with the Magic Wand-Tool
Now set the moss to overlay the shapes and repeat all the steps to create this:
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