1.Select a Vinyl Record Disc (png) from Google images
2. Create a new project with a resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixels And Fill #ACACAC Color like as below
3. Now Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) and make shape like as below
4. Now Select Brush Tool (B) Then Select a Brush and apply like as Below
5. Now Select a Vinyl Record Disc for cutting
6. Now select the Rectangular Marquee tool (M) and cut the shape like as below
7. Now again select a Vinyl Record Disc for cut then select the Rectangular Marquee tool (M) and cut the shape like as below
8. Now again select a Vinyl Record Disc for cut then select Pen tool (P) for cut and cut the shape like as below
9. Now again select a Vinyl Record Disc for cut then select Pen tool (P) for cut and cut the shape like as below
10. Now again select a Vinyl Record Disc for cut then select the Rectangular Marquee tool (M) and cut the shape like as below
11. Now simply set a Vinyl Record Disc in end like as below
12. Now Create a new layer with Rectangular Marquee tool (M) and apply Feather (Ctrl+Alt+D) with Radius 4 Pixels like as below
I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial and I hope these techniques have inspired some new thoughts and ideas for your next design.
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