
How to Create Vintage Styled Easter Card

Easter is almost here. The time of joy, love and happiness. Time of rabbits, green grace, tasty dishes and Easter eggs. Today is a perfect time to create a holiday greeting card for your relatives. Let's get started!

In this easy to follow Photoshop tutorial we'll create awesome Easter greeting card in the vintage style. This tutorial is designed for beginners, that's why everyone could follow it.

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What we'll be making...

As alway in the beginning we should look at the final result of this tutorial:

how to create vintage styled Easter card

Step 1

Open your Photoshop and create a new document (Ctrl + N). Then go into the background settings and choose the color #00eaff for it

how to create vintage styled Easter card

how to create vintage styled Easter card

Now it is time to add some textures into background. I used this one. With it help we can add some vintage effect to our design.

how to create vintage styled Easter card

The result:

how to create vintage styled Easter card

Step 2

In this step we will learn how to draw clouds. It is very easy! Choose the Ellipse tool and draw some arbitrary ellipses - the base of our clouds. While drawing, press the Shift key to have both ellipses in one layer. Also, don't forget to draw the shapes as a Shape Layer (first icon in the menu bar), so we can modify them later.

how to create vintage styled Easter card

Then transfer our clouds to the main layer.

how to create vintage styled Easter card

Step 3

Now it is time to work with our clouds and make them more realistic. Go to the Layer Style (right click and Blending options) work with Drop Shadow and Inner Shadow.

how to create vintage styled Easter card

how to create vintage styled Easter card

The next step is very easy. You should add the same texture as you have already added to the background.

how to create vintage styled Easter card

Step 4

In the same way create a second cloud:

how to create vintage styled Easter card

how to create vintage styled Easter card

Step 5

It is time to create some text. Use the Brush Script Std (72px) font for "Happy Easter" text. Then you should add your cloud's styles to this text.

how to create vintage styled Easter card

Go to the Layer styles and some color overlay (#888787)

how to create vintage styled Easter card

Step 6

In this step we'll create an Easter egg. Draw one more ellipce with the help of the Ellipse tool and then customize it with the help of Pen Tool (P)

how to create vintage styled Easter card

how to create vintage styled Easter card

Step 7

Let's make our Easter egg more positive. As always use cloud's styles for this egg too and add some bright and colorful gradient.

how to create vintage styled Easter card

how to create vintage styled Easter card

Use the same principle to create the more eggs

how to create vintage styled Easter card

how to create vintage styled Easter card

how to create vintage styled Easter card

Step 8

Easter without rabbits isn't Easter. Let's draw few. The only thing you need to to it, it is Pen and Ellipce tool.

how to create vintage styled Easter card

how to create vintage styled Easter card

Step 9how to create vintage styled Easter card

Draw the ellipse #e5e4e4 and use the clipping mask


how to create vintage styled Easter card

add some volume to our rabbit

how to create vintage styled Easter card

Step 10

In this step we'll create rabbit's eyes. It is very easy task, just follow the screenshots and use the Pen tool

how to create vintage styled Easter card

how to create vintage styled Easter card

how to create vintage styled Easter card

To create the pupil you'll need the clipping mask

how to create vintage styled Easter card

how to create vintage styled Easter card

The result:

how to create vintage styled Easter card

Step 11

It is time to create rabbit's nose! You'll need our favourite pen tool for that.

how to create vintage styled Easter card

how to create vintage styled Easter card

how to create vintage styled Easter card

Step 12

Our Easter rabbit still looks not good enough. We should add ears. Use the ellipse tool.

how to create vintage styled Easter card

how to create vintage styled Easter card

how to create vintage styled Easter card

how to create vintage styled Easter card


how to create vintage styled Easter card

Step 13

But still... our rabbit looks isn't well. Change his shape with the help of Pen tool (as always)

how to create vintage styled Easter card

Step 14

The interesting part of tutorial is here! compose rabbits, eggs, and clouds on the design. (add cloud's styles to rabbits)

how to create vintage styled Easter card

Step 15

Think than the shape of rabbit's ears isn't ideal? Change it! (Thanks God, we already know how )

how to create vintage styled Easter card

Look at our card now:

how to create vintage styled Easter card

how to create vintage styled Easter card

Step 16

Add the text with greetings. You may use any font you like, just don't forget to apply cloud's styles for the text too.

how to create vintage styled Easter card

how to create vintage styled Easter card

The final result:

how to create vintage styled Easter card

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