If you are in web design business (you are reading this post, so you most probably are) you absolutely could not miss the latest rage in the industry - Google's material design. Just look at the Google trends, I think this chart speaks volumes about the popularity of the material trend.
Simply put, material design is a design concept that combines the norms of science and technology with the principles and common rules of classic design and adds some magic to it all.
The concept was born from Google's desire to unify the user experience across their platforms. First there was an interface for the Google+ app, then there was a whole new redesign of all the Google's major products, including Gmail and Calendar, based on what Google called a "unifying theory of a rationalized space and a system of motion."
Everyone loved the new Google design, though some still say it's not that different from the dear old flat style. There are differences in these two, and fundamental ones. Google combined the best traits of skeuomorphism (like motion and reflection of reality) and minimalism of flat design and they achieved amazing results.
If you want to try your hand in the trendiest trend in the contemporary web design - Google released a comprehensive list of guidelines, rules and tools to help you create apps for Android and web.
Our designers have already started perusing the guide. Here are their first attempts of putting Goole design approach into life.
Stay tuned, there's more material templates to come!
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