
5 Common Myths About E-Learning Authoring Tools Debunked

Authoring tools are the cornerstone of today’s e-learning courses which have crossed all leaps and bounds in the sense that these are widely recognised and accepted as a means to convenient learning. Users can choose from a wide range of these available as per their requirements and even avail free trial authoring tools to get their hands on a particular one.

Nevertheless, despite such immense popularity and demand for these tools, there are certain myths surrounding them which make users hesitant to adopt them. However, we shall debunk five of the most common myths surrounding all authoring tools inclusive of freemium elearning authoring tools acquainting you with the truth behind those.

Myth 1. E-Learning authoring tools are very expensive

‘Since it is on a computer, it must be expensive’ is the kind of preconceived notion users possess which is actually very irrational. On the contrary, these authoring tools are very cost effective as they help users save enormous time and effort in comparison to physical learning as reaching different geographical locations at all times is not feasible. Moreover, there are various elearning authoring tools with free trial available for users. Hence, it helps save millions of dollars thereby providing a wide reach to users breaking the barriers of time and space.

It must be noted that these tools are a one-time investment which allow you to access information in the comfort of your home and make learning just a click away.

Myth 2. Cloud based solutions are difficult to use

Not only is it untrue but it is also arguable that cloud based authoring tools are quick, cost-effective, and extremely easy to use. These combine the ultimate way of quickly and simply delivering essential training to your entire workforce located globally at any time of the day. Additionally, these cloud based solutions offer more collaborative opportunities and enable instant revisions.

Myth 3. E-Learning authoring tools are not as effective as classroom based training

This is one of the most common statements we come across in our everyday lives but there is actually a reliable research which refutes this claim. As per the research, if appropriate methods are used for completion of desired educational goals be it e-learning or classroom training it doesn’t even matter as the instructional methods remain the same hence so should the learning.

Myth 4. Great e-learning authoring tools are all you need to design a good online training

Indeed, you do need great e-learning authoring tools. But, you have to keep in mind that it is the course content which makes it great and provides a satisfactory learning experience to users and not the technology.

Once again, if all that was needed in order to build a great online course was to have the right eLearning authoring tools, then instructional designers won’t be in demand by the organizations anymore. Over reliance on technology in dangerous. The fact is, without the right content, strategy, and learning objective no course can be suitable for providing any sort of learning.

Now that we’ve mentioned some of the commonly prevalent myths surrounding e-learning authoring tools hopefully you’re convinced about their efficiency. Although humans are reluctant to change but it is highly recommended to embrace the power of these authoring tools and experience better results. Stop waiting and start leveraging!

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